How to Rate on DoorDash

Gig Economy

How to Rate on DoorDash? Well, rating your DoorDash driver is a simple process that allows you to provide feedback and enhance the delivery experience. After receiving your order, you can give your driver a rating from 1 to 5 stars based on the delivery service provided, not the quality of the food.

To rate a driver, log into your DoorDash account on the app and tap on the orders tab. From there, you can find the option to rate your driver. The rating is crucial for drivers as it affects their overall performance on the platform.

Key Takeaways:

  • Rating your DoorDash driver is based on their delivery service, not the quality of the food.
  • A driver’s rating is calculated based on factors like on-time/early delivery, completion rate, and high acceptance rate.
  • Customers can rate their driver on the DoorDash app by logging in and tapping on the orders tab.
  • Drivers can maintain a high rating by accepting orders they can deliver quickly, communicating effectively with customers, following all instructions, and completing orders successfully.
  • If you have a complaint about a driver, you can contact DoorDash’s customer care representative through live chat or by calling them.

How to Rate a Driver on DoorDash

To rate a driver on DoorDash, follow these simple steps to express your satisfaction and help others make informed decisions:

  1. Log into your DoorDash account on the app.
  2. Tap on the “Orders” tab to view your recent orders.
  3. Find the order for which you want to rate the driver and tap on it.
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the order details page.
  5. Tap on the star rating system to assign a rating from 1 to 5 stars.
  6. If desired, you can also provide additional feedback in the text box provided.
  7. Once you are satisfied with your rating and feedback, tap on the submit button.

By following these steps, you can contribute to the DoorDash community by providing valuable feedback about your driver’s performance.

Factors to Keep in Mind

When rating a driver on DoorDash, it’s important to consider the following criteria:

  • Delivery Service: The rating should reflect the driver’s performance in terms of delivering the order on time or early.
  • Completion Rate: A driver’s completion rate indicates the percentage of orders they have successfully completed. Keep this in mind when evaluating their overall performance.
  • Acceptance Rate: The acceptance rate reflects the number of orders a driver accepts compared to the offers they receive. A higher acceptance rate usually suggests a more dedicated driver.

By considering these factors, you can provide a fair evaluation and ensure your rating accurately reflects the driver’s performance on DoorDash.

Factors Influencing DoorDash Ratings

Several factors play a role in determining a driver’s rating on DoorDash, and understanding them can help drivers improve their performance. Here are some of the key factors to consider:

  1. On-time/early delivery: Timeliness is crucial in the delivery service industry. Delivering orders on time or even before the estimated time can leave a positive impression on customers and contribute to a higher rating.
  2. Completion rate: Completing orders successfully is essential for maintaining a good rating. Drivers should strive to complete as many orders as possible without canceling or rejecting them.
  3. Acceptance rate: Accepting orders promptly shows commitment and responsibility. Drivers with a high acceptance rate are more likely to receive positive ratings from customers.

To improve their DoorDash rating, drivers should focus on these factors. By consistently delivering orders on time, completing them successfully, and accepting orders they can handle promptly, drivers can enhance their overall performance and ratings.

Note: DoorDash ratings do not affect a driver’s payment, and drivers cannot see specific ratings or feedback from customers. Ratings are used to gauge the overall customer experience and ensure a high level of service.

Tips to Improve Your DoorDash Rating

Elevating your DoorDash rating is crucial for a successful experience as a driver, and implementing these tips can help you achieve just that. Here are some effective strategies to improve your DoorDash rating:

  1. Accept orders you can deliver quickly: When you accept an order, make sure you have enough time to deliver it promptly. Timely deliveries contribute significantly to customer satisfaction, leading to higher ratings.
  2. Communicate effectively with customers: Good communication is key to a positive customer experience. Keep your customers informed about any delays or changes in their order status, and make them feel valued by providing polite and helpful responses.
  3. Follow all instructions: Pay close attention to any special instructions provided by the customer. Whether it’s a specific delivery location or dietary preferences, ensuring that you follow instructions accurately demonstrates your commitment to providing excellent service.
  4. Complete orders successfully: Take pride in completing every order successfully. Double-check the accuracy of the order and ensure it is delivered intact. Pay attention to any additional requests, such as utensils or condiments, to enhance the customer’s satisfaction.

By implementing these tips, you can improve your DoorDash rating and establish yourself as a reliable and highly rated driver on the platform.

How to Make a Complaint About a DoorDash Driver

In the rare event that you encounter issues with a DoorDash driver, there are channels available to make a complaint and ensure your concerns are addressed. DoorDash strives to provide a positive and reliable delivery experience, and customer feedback is instrumental in achieving this.

If you have a complaint about a driver, the first step is to log into your DoorDash account on the app. From there, navigate to the orders tab, where you will find a list of your recent orders. Locate the order in question and tap on it to access more details.

Here are the steps to follow when making a complaint:

  1. Scroll down until you see the option to “Contact Support” or “Get Help.”
  2. Tap on this option to initiate a conversation with a DoorDash customer care representative.
  3. Explain the issue you encountered with the driver and provide any necessary details, such as the order number or driver’s name.
  4. Be as specific as possible in your complaint, as this will help DoorDash investigate the matter effectively.
  5. Once you’ve submitted your complaint, a customer care representative will review the information and take appropriate action. They may reach out to you for additional details if needed.

Rest assured that DoorDash takes complaints seriously and strives to address them promptly. Your feedback plays a crucial role in improving the overall delivery service and ensuring a positive experience for all users.

The Impact of Ratings on DoorDash

Ratings hold a significant impact on the DoorDash platform, shaping the experience for both customers and drivers. When customers rate their DoorDash drivers, it helps other customers make informed decisions about which driver to choose for their deliveries. A higher rating indicates a driver with a track record of providing reliable and efficient service, while a lower rating may signal areas where improvement is needed. This feedback loop encourages drivers to strive for excellence and ensures that customers receive quality service.

For drivers, ratings play a crucial role in their success on the platform. A higher rating not only boosts their visibility to potential customers but also increases their chances of receiving more orders. Customers are more likely to choose drivers with higher ratings, leading to increased earning opportunities for those drivers. On the other hand, a low rating can negatively impact a driver’s ability to receive orders and earn income. Therefore, it is essential for drivers to consistently provide excellent service to maintain a high rating.

Factors Influencing DoorDash Ratings

Several factors contribute to a driver’s review on DoorDash. These include on-time or early delivery, completion rate, and acceptance rate. Drivers who consistently deliver orders on time or even ahead of schedule are more likely to receive higher ratings from satisfied customers. Completing a high percentage of assigned orders and accepting a reasonable number of requests also positively impacts a driver’s rating. By focusing on these key factors, drivers can improve their ratings and enhance their overall experience on the DoorDash platform.

In conclusion, ratings have a profound impact on the DoorDash platform, influencing both customers and drivers. Customers can make informed decisions based on ratings, while drivers have the opportunity to increase their earning potential. By understanding the factors that influence ratings and striving for excellence in their service, drivers can maintain a high rating and provide customers with a positive delivery experience.


By utilizing the DoorDash rating system and implementing the provided tips, customers and drivers can contribute to a more satisfactory delivery experience. To rate a DoorDash driver, customers can give them a rating from 1 to 5 stars after receiving their order. It is important to note that the rating is based on the delivery service provided by the driver and not the quality of the food.

DoorDash calculates a driver’s rating based on several factors, including on-time/early delivery, completion rate, and acceptance rate. For customers, rating a driver is as simple as logging into their account on the DoorDash app and tapping on the orders tab. From there, they can select the order and provide their rating.

On the other hand, drivers can maintain a high rating by accepting orders they can deliver quickly, communicating effectively with customers, following all instructions meticulously, and ensuring that they successfully complete each order. These actions not only improve their own rating but also contribute to an overall better delivery experience for customers.

In the event that a customer encounters an issue with a driver, DoorDash provides channels for making complaints. Customers can reach out to DoorDash’s customer care representative through live chat or by calling them. Constructive feedback is essential in improving the overall delivery service.

It is important to note that DoorDash ratings do not affect a driver’s payment. Additionally, drivers cannot see specific ratings or feedback from customers. This ensures a fair and unbiased rating system, enabling customers to express their opinions freely while maintaining drivers’ privacy.


How can customers rate a DoorDash driver?

To rate a DoorDash driver, customers can give them a rating from 1 to 5 stars after receiving their order.

What does the rating on DoorDash reflect?

The rating is based on the delivery service provided by the driver, not the quality of the food.

How does DoorDash calculate a driver’s rating?

DoorDash calculates a driver’s rating based on factors like on-time/early delivery, completion rate, and acceptance rate.

Where can customers rate a driver on DoorDash?

Customers can log into their account on the DoorDash app and tap on the orders tab to rate a driver.

How can drivers maintain a high rating?

Drivers can maintain a high rating by accepting orders they can deliver quickly, communicating effectively with customers, following all instructions, and completing orders successfully.

How can customers make a complaint about a driver?

Customers can make a complaint about a driver to DoorDash’s customer care representative through live chat or by calling them.

Do DoorDash ratings affect a driver’s payment?

DoorDash ratings do not affect a driver’s payment.

Can drivers see specific ratings or feedback from customers?

No, drivers cannot see specific ratings or feedback from customers.

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