Who Do I Call About a Tax Levy?


Dealing with a tax levy can be overwhelming, but knowing who to call for help is the first step towards finding a solution. When faced with a tax levy, it is crucial to reach out to the appropriate authorities and seek expert assistance. This article aims to provide information and guidance on resolving tax issues related to levies, answering common questions, and offering expert advice.

Key Takeaways:

  • Contact the IRS immediately for tax levy assistance and to request a levy release.
  • Be aware of your appeal rights if your request for a levy release is denied.
  • Consider contacting the South Carolina Department of Revenue for state-level tax levy assistance and payment plans.
  • Seek professional help from enrolled agents or tax attorneys, who specialize in tax levies and have expertise in tax and business law.
  • When choosing representation for your tax levy case, inquire about qualifications, experience, and proposed solutions.

Understanding Tax Levies: What You Need to Know

Before seeking help, it’s crucial to grasp tax levies and their financial impact. Tax levies are government actions to collect unpaid taxes. Failing to pay or resolve tax liability may lead to the IRS or state taxing authority seizing assets, including bank accounts, wage garnishment, or property liens, jeopardizing financial stability.

To navigate the complexities of tax levies, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the following key points:

  • Levy Process: Tax levies typically follow a specific process. After sending multiple notices requesting payment, the taxing authority will issue a Final Notice of Intent to Levy. This notice gives you 30 days to respond before the levy is implemented. If you fail to respond or make arrangements within this timeframe, the levy can take effect.
  • Appeal Rights: If you believe the levy is unjust or there are extenuating circumstances, you have the right to appeal. However, it’s crucial to understand the appeal process and the specific requirements for filing an appeal. Consulting with a tax professional can help you navigate this process effectively.
  • Options for Resolution: There are various options available to resolve tax levies. These may include negotiating a payment plan, requesting an offer in compromise, or exploring other avenues. It’s important to understand these options and choose the one that best suits your financial situation.

By gaining a thorough understanding of tax levies and their implications, you’ll be better equipped to address the situation and seek appropriate assistance. Whether you choose to contact the IRS, seek state-level resources, or enlist the help of enrolled agents or tax attorneys, taking prompt action and seeking professional guidance can make a significant difference in resolving your tax levy issues effectively.

Contacting the IRS for Tax Levy Assistance

If you’re facing a tax levy, your first point of contact should be the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the government agency responsible for collecting taxes. The IRS offers valuable assistance and information for individuals dealing with tax levies. Whether you have questions about the process, need advice on resolving your tax issues, or require guidance on appealing a levy decision, the IRS can provide the necessary support.

To reach the IRS for tax levy assistance, you can refer to their official website or call their dedicated helpline. The website offers a wealth of information on tax levies, including frequently asked questions and resources to help you understand the process better. The helpline allows you to speak directly to IRS representatives who can provide personalized assistance and address your specific concerns.

When contacting the IRS, it is important to have certain information readily available, such as your Social Security number, the tax year in question, and any relevant documentation related to the tax levy. This will help the IRS representatives provide you with accurate and timely assistance.

Seeking Assistance from Other Sources

  • If you prefer to explore additional sources of support, you may consider reaching out to enrolled agents or tax attorneys who specialize in tax matters. These professionals have in-depth knowledge of tax levies and can provide expert advice tailored to your specific situation. Enrolled agents specialize in income tax matters and can act as your representative in dealing with the IRS. Tax attorneys, on the other hand, have expertise in tax and business law and can handle more complex legal issues related to tax levies.
  • Another option is to contact your state’s local tax department for assistance. Each state has its own resources and guidelines for handling tax levies, including potential payment plans and other forms of support. You can find the contact information for your state’s Department of Revenue on their official website or by contacting your local tax office.

When choosing the right representation for your tax levy case, it is important to inquire about their qualifications, experience and proposed solutions. This will allow you to make an informed decision and select the best professional to assist you in resolving your tax issues. Remember, seeking assistance from the IRS, enrolled agents, tax attorneys, or state tax departments can help you navigate the complexities of tax levies and find the most effective solutions for your specific situation.

Requesting a Levy Release from the IRS

When dealing with a tax levy, one of your primary objectives should be to request a levy release from the IRS to alleviate the financial burden. This process involves reaching out to the IRS and providing the necessary documentation to support your request. Here are the steps you need to follow when requesting a levy release:

  1. Contact the IRS: Begin by reaching out to the IRS to express your desire for a levy release. You can call their helpline or visit their website for contact information.
  2. Gather documentation: To support your request, you will need to gather relevant documentation such as proof of financial hardship, evidence of an error in the levy, or any other supporting information that can help your case.
  3. Submit your request: Once you have all the necessary documentation, submit your request to the IRS. You can do this by mail, fax, or through their online platforms, depending on the options provided by the IRS.
  4. Follow up and appeal if needed: After submitting your request, it is essential to follow up with the IRS to ensure it is being processed. If your request is denied, you have the right to appeal the decision. Be aware of your appeal rights and the deadlines associated with the process.

Requesting a levy release from the IRS can be a complex and time-consuming process. It is advisable to seek professional help from enrolled agents or tax attorneys who have experience in dealing with the IRS and navigating the intricacies of tax law.

Seeking Professional Help

If you are facing challenges with a tax levy, it is highly recommended to seek professional help from enrolled agents or tax attorneys. Enrolled agents specialize in income tax matters and can provide comprehensive assistance throughout your tax levy case. They can represent you in front of the IRS, communicate with the revenue officers on your behalf, and help negotiate a resolution that works in your favor.

Tax attorneys, on the other hand, have extensive expertise in tax and business law. They are well-equipped to handle complex tax levy cases that involve legal intricacies. They can analyze your situation, identify potential legal issues, and provide strategic advice on the best course of action. Whether it’s negotiating a settlement, filing an appeal, or representing you in court, tax attorneys can ensure that your rights are protected and your case is handled with utmost professionalism.

When choosing professional representation, it is crucial to consider their qualifications, experience and proposed solutions for your specific tax levy case. A reputable enrolled agent or tax attorney will have a strong track record of successful cases and a deep understanding of the IRS tax code. Take the time to research and consult with different professionals to find the right fit for your needs.

State-Level Tax Levy Assistance

In addition to contacting the IRS, it can be beneficial to explore state-level resources for assistance with tax levies. State departments of revenue often have dedicated helplines or departments that specialize in tax issues and can provide guidance on resolving tax levies. The South Carolina Department of Revenue, for example, offers a helpline where taxpayers can inquire about tax levies and payment plans.

Contacting the South Carolina Department of Revenue

If you are in South Carolina and have questions or need assistance regarding tax levies, you can contact the South Carolina Department of Revenue at their toll-free helpline, (800) 763-1295, during business hours. They have knowledgeable representatives who can provide information on tax levy assistance and guide you through the process of setting up payment plans.

It is important to note that each state may have different resources and procedures when it comes to tax levies. Therefore, it is advisable to check with your specific state’s Department of Revenue to determine the available assistance and support for resolving tax levies.

Seeking Professional Help: Enrolled Agents and Tax Attorneys

In some cases, seeking professional help from enrolled agents or tax attorneys can provide valuable support and guidance in navigating the complexities of tax levies. Enrolled agents specialize in income tax matters and possess in-depth knowledge of IRS procedures and regulations. They are well-equipped to represent individuals in front of the IRS and can provide expert advice on resolving tax levy issues.

Tax attorneys, on the other hand, offer legal expertise in tax and business law. They are particularly beneficial in handling complex tax levy cases that involve intricate legal issues. With their deep understanding of tax laws and regulations, tax attorneys can provide comprehensive guidance and representation, ensuring that your rights are protected throughout the process.

When choosing the right representation for your tax levy case, it is crucial to consider their qualifications, experience and proposed solutions. Enrolled agents and tax attorneys bring unique skill sets to the table, so it’s essential to find someone who aligns with the specific needs of your situation. Whether you require assistance with income tax matters or complex legal issues, seeking professional help can significantly increase your chances of resolving tax levies effectively.

Enrolled Agents: Tax Levy Specialists

Enrolled agents are professionals who specialize in income tax and can offer valuable expertise in dealing with tax levies. They are authorized by the IRS to represent individuals in front of the agency, making them a trusted resource for taxpayers facing levy-related issues.

When you hire an enrolled agent, you can expect them to have an in-depth understanding of tax laws and regulations, particularly those related to levies. They can provide guidance on the best course of action to resolve your tax levy and help you navigate through the complex IRS procedures.

If you find yourself facing a tax levy, an enrolled agent can help you gather the necessary documentation, communicate with the IRS on your behalf, and negotiate a favorable resolution. They can also assist you in exploring options such as installment agreements or offers in compromise, which can help you regain control of your finances.

By working with an enrolled agent, you can have peace of mind knowing that you have a knowledgeable professional by your side throughout the entire process. Their expertise in income tax matters and IRS representation can make a significant difference in resolving your tax levy efficiently and effectively.

Tax Attorneys: Legal Expertise for Complex Tax Levy Cases

For individuals facing complex tax levy cases involving legal complexities, consulting with a tax attorney can provide the necessary legal expertise. Tax attorneys have extensive knowledge and experience in tax law and business law, making them well-equipped to handle intricate legal issues that may arise during the process.

One of the key advantages of working with a tax attorney is their ability to navigate the complexities of tax laws and regulations. They can analyze your individual circumstances and devise effective strategies to mitigate the impact of tax levies on your financial situation. Whether it involves negotiating with the IRS, identifying potential legal defenses, or exploring alternative options, tax attorneys can provide tailored solutions to help resolve your tax levy case.

Why Choose a Tax Attorney?

  • Expertise in Tax Law: Tax attorneys specialize in tax law and have a deep understanding of the intricacies of tax codes and regulations. This specialized knowledge allows them to interpret complex tax laws and apply them to your specific case.
  • Business Law Knowledge: Tax levies can have significant implications for businesses, including potential disruptions to operations and financial stability. Tax attorneys with expertise in business law can navigate these complexities and protect your business’s interests.
  • Legal Representation: If your tax levy case escalates to legal proceedings, having a tax attorney by your side ensures you have professional representation. They can advocate for your rights and interests, presenting your case persuasively in court if necessary.
  • Negotiation Skills: Tax attorneys possess strong negotiation skills, which can be crucial in dealing with the IRS or other tax authorities. They can negotiate on your behalf to secure the best possible outcome, such as a reduced tax liability or a release of the levy.

When selecting a tax attorney for your tax levy case, consider factors like their qualifications, experience, and track record of success. It’s important to find someone who specializes in tax law and has a thorough understanding of the complexities involved in tax levies. By choosing the right tax attorney, you can ensure you have the legal expertise needed to navigate the challenges of your complex tax levy case.

Choosing the Right Representation for Your Tax Levy Case

It’s crucial to carefully consider your options and select the right representation to handle your tax levy case effectively. When dealing with tax levies, there are two primary professionals you can turn to for assistance: enrolled agents and tax attorneys. Each has its own qualifications, experience, and proposed solutions that can be beneficial in resolving your tax liability.

Enrolled Agents: Tax Levy Specialists

  • Enrolled agents specialize in income tax matters and have a deep understanding of the complex tax laws and regulations.
  • They are authorized by the IRS to represent individuals in front of the agency, making them well-suited to navigate the process of resolving a tax levy.
  • Enrolled agents can provide expert advice, guidance, and representation throughout your tax levy case, ensuring you have the best possible outcome.

Tax Attorneys: Legal Expertise for Complex Tax Levy Cases

  • Tax attorneys have comprehensive knowledge of tax law and business law, allowing them to handle more intricate legal issues that may arise during your tax levy case.
  • They can provide valuable insight and representation, especially when dealing with complex situations or if you require assistance with a business-related tax levy.
  • With their expertise, tax attorneys can help you navigate the legal aspects of your case and work towards a favorable resolution.

When selecting the right representation for your tax levy case, it’s important to inquire about their qualifications and experience in handling similar cases. Consider the proposed solutions they offer and how well they align with your specific needs. By choosing the right professional, you can ensure that you have the necessary support and expertise to effectively resolve your tax levy issues.


Dealing with a tax levy can be challenging, but with the right guidance and expert advice, you can navigate the process and find a resolution for your tax issues. When facing a tax levy, it is crucial to contact the appropriate authorities for assistance. The IRS should be your first point of contact, as they can provide valuable information and help request a levy release. If your request is denied, they can also advise you on your appeal rights.

Additionally, it is worth considering state-level resources for tax levy assistance. The South Carolina Department of Revenue, for example, can provide information on tax levies and payment plans. Exploring these options may give you additional avenues toward resolving your tax issues.

Seeking professional help from enrolled agents or tax attorneys can also greatly benefit your case. Enrolled agents specialize in income tax matters and can represent you in front of the IRS. On the other hand, tax attorneys have expertise in tax and business law, making them well-equipped to handle more complex tax levy cases and navigate intricate legal issues.

When selecting representation for your tax levy case, be sure to inquire about their qualifications, experience, and proposed solutions. Choosing the right professional can make a significant difference in achieving a favorable outcome and resolving your tax issues effectively.


Who should I contact for assistance with a tax levy?

When dealing with a tax levy, it is important to contact the appropriate authorities. You should reach out to the IRS immediately to request a levy release and to resolve your tax liability. They can also provide information on your appeal rights if your request is denied.

How do I contact the South Carolina Department of Revenue regarding tax levies?

For inquiries regarding tax levies and payment plans in South Carolina, you can contact the South Carolina Department of Revenue. They can provide assistance and guidance related to tax levies.

Should I seek professional help for tax levies?

Yes, it is advisable to seek professional help when dealing with tax levies. Enrolled agents specialize in income tax matters and can represent you in front of the IRS. Tax attorneys have expertise in tax and business law and handle more complex legal issues. They can provide valuable assistance and guidance in resolving tax levies.

What qualifications and experience should I look for in a tax levy specialist?

When choosing representation for your tax levy case, it is essential to inquire about their qualifications and experience. Look for enrolled agents who specialize in income tax and have experience representing clients in front of the IRS. For tax attorneys, ensure they have expertise in tax and business law and a track record of successfully handling complex tax levy cases.

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